Spring flowers in my garden – Renunculus take a bow!

Renunculus have been grown and cross bred to produce a huge variety of colours

Renunculus grow from bulbs one of my favourite genus, both as flowers and vegetables the main sorts being onions, garlic and leeks which my garden has a place for all the year round.
I have three Renunculi in my bulb bed all of which are red and have been growing for three seasons. Each year their colours seem to vary this year they seem to be lighter in colour, it would be interesting to learn if this is normal for the species?

Osteospermums… Marsupials don’t eat them!

Osteospermums the one flower that our marsupial friends won't eat!

Osteospermums are a wonderful group of mostly South African flowering small shrubs that produce huge numbers of flowers over a period of as long as five months in the right conditions. There are dozens of varieties available in a huge range of colours. All they seem to need is a bit of blood and bone once a year followed by a dose of GoGo juice or any seaweed wetting agent. I water mine every two to three weeks and then clip back at the end of the flowering season. The main reason why I like these lovely plants is that the marsupials that call my garden home don’t eat them!